COVID – 19, coronavirus, no toilet rolls left, everyone around the world is talking about the same thing. The pandemic has exponentially spread itself around the globe and everyone is now getting advice from governments, latest market updates and messages from CEOs of companies they didn’t know had their email addresses.
This virus’s severity has conflicting opinions – on the one hand some are claiming it’s like the flu and most should get over it whilst others claim it’s something to be frightful of regardless of your age. The virus is real and at the very basic level we should understand what we can do to mitigate its spread.
In this brief article I wanted to highlight two videos the World Health Organization has released on the Coronavirus. These will provide a helpful overview of what we should do to protect ourselves and why to avoid unwell people.
When it comes to how you should keep clean and practice good hygiene all major health bodies are sharing the same information:
- Wash your hands with soap often, this should be done for approx. 20 seconds
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. If you don’t have a tissue then with your hands
- Do not touch your eyes, face or mouth if your hands are not clean
- Avoid people that show symptoms of being unwell
Lets pay attention to this simple advice during this crises and lets also develop this as a year round habit. Not only will you be staying healthy but also following the sunnah.
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